Experience the Power of a Bold Goal


A note from Dorothy...

Experience the Power of a Bold Goal...

Quote of the Week...

Tip of the Week...

Book of the Week...

About Dorothy...

A note from Dorothy...


Wow how do you love this summer weather! I must confess, I usually prefer that more comfortable range between 60 and 70 degrees, Fahrenheit of course. And I always love the sun shining at any temp - to energize me and boost my Vitamin D.

However, for some reason this year I have found those exceptionally warm days soothing and restorative. On Canada Day, which we celebrated at our ski home in Ellicottville N.Y., so yes it was also the Fourth of July long weekend too, it was wonderful to enjoy the heat of the day followed by the cool mountain air in the evening. Great for sleeping!

I think for just about everyone July 1st is truly the beginning of summer. School is out, cottages are open, parks and pools are a popular destination and we are thrilled to entertain family and friends around the barbeque. It is a season to recharge and enjoy!

Best Always,

Experience the Power of a Bold Goal...
In the summer months it is timely to review our plan for 2010, our many achievements to date and the challenge of fulfilling our remaining goals for the year. Getting recharged and rejuvenated, at this time of the year, improves our focus and our energy for "going for the gold". This breather gives us the space to once again imagine our future the way we plan it to be..... the way it will be!

So how about a summer challenge -

  • a challenge to think big and bold about the balance of 2010
  • a challenge to set a BOLD goal for the next 60 days
  • a BOLD goal that we know guarantees success with our plan for 2010

    Like all goals, a BOLD goal must be a SMART goal

  • specific
  • measurable
  • achievable
  • realistic
  • time specific

    It doesn't contain any ambiguity, so it cannot read like "more of" or "some"!

    What is that one thing that each of us can identify that ensures our success? What do we need to do in the next 60 days to make us happy with our achievement?  Is it launching or re-launching our website, doubling our prospecting goal, improving our use of social media, hiring an assistant or launching an e-zine?

    Succeeding with our plans for 2010 will be so sweet! This success will make us feel absolutely confident about our ability to achieve our three year vision.

    I'm going to take up the challenge too. It is time to kick things up a notch if I'm going to meet my plan. So as they say "No time like the present!"

    Don't forget all those tools that help with business and/or personal goal setting.

  • Identifying the "WHY" - the important reasons we set goals
  • Use of the Vision Board or other visualization techniques to get clarity
  • The written "three year vision" - living your "dream life" in the future
  • The establishing of a BOLD goal - the "how to" of identifying a BOLD goal
  • Then the small steps broken down with deadlines and accountability that ensure success with our BOLD goal
  • The importance of doing only the work we love to do and do well
  • The importance of identifying the support needed to achieve our BOLD goal.
  • Then finally the vision of celebrating success

    At various stages of our business, it is sometimes confusing to figure out what we should be doing and what we should be delegating. As you review the small steps to BOLD pay attention to your energy around each step and that will help you get clear on this part. BOLD goals are exciting but often a little scary too. It is well known that we do not grow and achieve great things if we don't get out of our comfort zone. So let's get ready for the big stretch!

    Remember that a very small percentage of people actually write down their goals with measurable results and deadlines. Those who do are the 20% of people, in most businesses and walks of life, who possess 80% of the wealth, power and influence!

    Let's go for our summer BOLD!

    If you would like to share your BOLD goal, I would love to hear what is going to make it all happen for you in the balance of 2010!

  • Quote of the Week...

    "Look closely at the present you are constructing, it should look like the future you are dreaming."

    ~Alice Walker

    Tip of the Week...
    If you plan to succeed with any goal, big or small, personal or business, you will!

    Book of the Week...

    The Outliers
    by Malcolm Gladwell

    From the author of acclaimed books, The Tipping Point and Blink, The Outliers is a fascinating read. A unique perspective on why some people succeed far more than others.

    July 27, 2010
    Vol. 1, Issue 1
    Published every other Thursday

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    About Dorothy...


    Dorothy DeClute specializes in coaching business owners, aspiring entrepreneurs and individuals in career or life transitions. Her business background is extensive and includes her tenure as Vice President of Sandbury Homes, President of Wiltshire Canada, Director of International Marketing for McPherson's Ltd. and Co-Founder of Team DeClute, one of the most successful real estate teams in Canada.

    She is recognized for her creative business strategies, strong team building skills, as well as for being an inspiring mentor, astute consultant and an empowering coach.

    Dorothy is a Certified General Accountant, a Registered Real Estate Sales Professional and a member of the GTA/ICF Coaches Association. If you are facing challenges and would like to work with a coach who has a defined Signature System to help you get from where you are to where you want to be contact Dorothy at dorothy@coachdeclute.com.

    The Stepping Stones you need, to achieve the success you deserve.
